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Snarky, vile, and deliciously fun...you don't know til you go, haven't been til you've gone and that's why I'm still in hot pursuit of the sun.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Inspiration or Violent Digestive Assault

My creative spirit tends to make appearances like a bout with explosive diarrhea. It is sudden, coming in uncontrollable spurts at inconvenient times and inappropriate places, it usually results in a mess and disturbed looks from others caught in its path.

Weeks pass without inspiration, sometimes months. Then a bubble or four....Hark, says Self, we may have an idea!
It passes (insert fart joke of choice here)and is soon forgotten or filed away in mental crevices yet unknown. I wait, ponder, wait some more, but nope pretty sure it was a false creative alarm. Foolishly I carry on with life as though I had not been through this before.

Suddenly and most unfairly without warning while going about daily routines (work, Wal-mart, walking the dog, eating hot dogs and Oreos)it strikes!
You have no idea how the others who are not afflicted with this particular faulty circuit stare at someone in the middle of the pasta aisle furiously swearing at her "smart" phone for turning pencil into penis (not really sure what that says about my everyday vocabulary)while smashing fingers to touchscreen keyboard (must make words, must
make semisensical words!!!!) in a horrific attempt to express herself. I usually email myself a rough draft to work on later, occasionally some of my very understanding and compassionate (mentally twisted, mostly insane and therefore nonjudgmental) friends get sucked in to my prolific vomit, apologies.

So there's that...little probably unwanted glimpse into my psyche.

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