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Snarky, vile, and deliciously fun...you don't know til you go, haven't been til you've gone and that's why I'm still in hot pursuit of the sun.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dear Pres

Mr. President,
I am an American citizen with a few concerns:

You went to the world and apologized for what America has done in it's past, but I don't think you did a very good job of reminding the world of the good done by Americans. I am sorry sir, but I don't understand what history books you have been reading? Did you forget about the hundreds of thousands killed in WWI and WWII for the sake of others? Or how about the Korean war, or our attempts in the Vietnam war? How about our Billions upon Billions of dollars sent in foreign aid to other nations? WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU APOLOGIZING? Maybe you could reverse the role and speak about how much other nations have done to help America, wait, there would not be enough material for you to speak longer than 5 minutes.
You mentioned in one of your speeches that Americans should look to Europe as a leader and we as Americans should learn to be more like them. Which part are you referring to sir? The socialism part? Sorry, I have had family and friends live in Europe, they prefer America and our system, not theirs. As for France, correct me if I'm wrong, but if it wasn't for us they would be speaking German. Do they not remember us saving them TWICE in the past century? Or maybe you are wanting us to be more like those other countries that are having to cut back their entitlements right now and having riots in the streets because they move the retirement age from 60 to 62 because their citizens are addicted to entitlements.
I would like to briefly discuss the Constitution. First, would you please read it? I think you are greatly mistaken by what it means. Oh, and by the way, it is a living document only because you can make amendments to it when necessary. That does NOT mean you can interpret the parts that have been written as you see fit. We prefer the original intent thank you. Samual Adams.....you may or may not have heard of him since you obviously read different history books than I do, but, he was what we like to refer to as an American Founder. You see, he helped to write the Constitution of the United States. It's funny, he said the "Redistribution of Wealth" is Unconstitutional, but you sir say otherwise. Since he helped write the document, I think I prefer his interpretation to yours. I agree sir that everyone SHOULD get Health Insurance, but that does not give you the right to FORCE everyone to get Health Insurance. Just an FYI.
A word on you so called Cap and Trade. What in the world are you thinking when you say ""Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."!??? I agree we can all do our little bit to help decrease pollution and recycle. I have no problem with that, but you taking things into your own hands and manipulating the markets to the point of causing our energy prices to skyrocket!? Oh, and IF Cap and Trade were to go into effect and IF it works exactly as your biased followers think it will, then average temperatures MIGHT decrease by 0.8 of a degree over the next century????Have you heard of the carbon cycle??? FYI, we are already at the pinnacle of it... Hmmmmm.....Decrease the temperature by 0.8 Degrees over the next 100 years, or callapse the US Economy by making, and I quote, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket". That vs. MAYBE having the temperatures on earth increase by 0.8 degrees over the next 100 years.....on average. I am willing to take the risk. Hey, maybe "Turning Back to God" is not such a bad idea....8/28.....if you don't know what I am talking about forget it.
Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. I think you get my drift.
I would like leader who wants what's best for everyone, not simply the Progressive Party. You see, I spend my summer reading up on the "Progressives". I read numerous speeches, essays, quotes, etc. of Progressive leaders from 1880-1945. I have a few questions, why do so many of them think the Constitution is no longer relevant? Why did Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and Bill Clinton (yeah, progressive too, I know) say that Americans have too many rights and individual liberties? Why did they say that property rights need to be limited? Why did they preach that the Constitution was a horse-and-buggy system that we no longer needed? Why did they say that checks and balances are no longer needed in the government? Why did so many of them speak of eugenics and improving the American race through limiting population growth......especially amongst blacks?
As for the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), you know, the ones who attacked police stations, the pentagon, public offices, university administrators in the 1960's. Why do you have so many people in your administration who were part of that organization. Interesting, Hillary Clinton had many friends from that same organization. Why??
Mr. President. Do you go to church? Not that you are required to, but just curious whether you feel that is important to you or not. Speaking of Church, how in the world did you sit through 20 years of listening to Rev. Wright? Is that who you got this Black Liberation Theology from? You seemed to distance yourself from Rev. Wright during your campaign, yet you now seem to practice everything he preached. Just a coincidence I guess.
Mr. President. I must say that I disagree with much of what you have done while in office and if you consider yourself in line with the Progressives of the early 20th century, then I will do everything I can to make sure that you are NOT successful in your attempts to push your "Progressive" agenda forward. Why? Because I like my freedoms, I would take George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as a leader over a "Progressive Leader" anyday, I don't agree with the government running every aspect of my life, I don't want a Nanny state, I don't need to government to take care of me. You see, I have family, friends, a church, neighbors, charitable organizations, and true charity to rely on here in America. The Government is the last place I would look for "charity". I believe in the checks and balances set up by our Founders to make sure that no ONE individual gets too much power, I think that is a good idea, don't you? I believe in EQUAL RIGHTS, not in the Government making sure that I have just as much as my neighbor even though he may sacrifice more and try harder than me. I believe in hard work, taking risks, and being rewarded, not sit and wait (for welfare checks). I believe in mercy and justice, and mercy can't rob justice. In your system of bail outs, you are robbing justice! A word on favoritism, STOP FAVORING THE UNIONS! That is exactly the problem with your "redistribution of wealth", it will always be a corrupt system in that politicians can distribute the wealth unequally and give to whom they choose. Please take note Robin Hood was a story, and Darwinism applies to the economy as well, survival of the fittest (read smartest)
Mr. President, I could go on for another hour or two writing about everything you have done or believe that I disagree with, but I will end with one more comment. I lose a little more respect for you every time I hear you speak. STOP PREACHING AND BEGIN LEADING. You could learn a thing or two by following the example of some of those great men in those paintings that hang all around you in that nice house of yours. Try following the example of those back in the latter end of the 1700's and the early 1800's, not the ones in the 20th century who have done a good job of corrupting our government and building a debt that we will most likely never get out of. Thank you.
A 20 Something Concerned American

P.S. Don't dare think me a racist because I am disappointed in the leadership, I voted for you in '08.

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