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Snarky, vile, and deliciously fun...you don't know til you go, haven't been til you've gone and that's why I'm still in hot pursuit of the sun.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wake Up and Smell the Gun Powder

Regardless of what your views are on Glenn Beck or any other newscaster, reporter, or Journalist it is time we as a generation WAKE UP!!!! This actually happened, UCSB (Universtiy of California st Santa Barbara). I have posted the link, cut and paste it into your browser to view the footage of David Horowitz, if the below reading is in anyway unbelievable or you can't stomach it.


HOROWITZ: I have had this experience — I give you, I had this experience at UC Santa Barbara where there were —

GLENN: Stop for a second. Stop for a second. Do you understand what he just said to her? If you don't condemn, you support. Now, that's the only reason. She just admitted that in so many — you are asking me to condemn them. Well, yeah, you can condemn Hamas. Now, maybe there's five good people in Hamas that just want world peace. But generally with Hamas no, they don't want world peace. So you could say, well, there are a few good people in there but, yes, Hamas is an organization that was set up for the destruction of Israel. Now listen to what he says.

HOROWITZ: Members of the Muslim Students Association sitting right in a rows there and throughout my hour talk I kept asking them, will you condemn Hezbollah and Hamas and none of them would. And then when the question period came, the president of the Muslim Students Association was the first person to ask questions and I said, you know, before you start, will you condemn Hezbollah. And he said, well, that question is too complicated for a yes/no answer. So I said, okay, I'll put it to you this way. I'm a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn't have to hunt us down globally. For it or against it?

VOICE: For it.

HOROWITZ: Thank you.

Wake Up, smell the gun powder, this is how wars start! When you have any one grooup of people no matter how small who feel it is their God/Allah/I'm a Nut Job right to exterminate anyone off the face of this planet! There are people in this country and globally who feel this way about not just jews, but Americans as well. But we in out political correctness dare not offend them...No Way! It's because I am American that I respect you're right to believe however you want to believe, but please people don't delude yourselves that everyone in the world feels this way. Educate yourselves, pay attention, and make your voices heard.
We all have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness no matter what our beliefs are. And if you are one of these people who condone Holy Wars of any sort...Feel free to get the Hell Out!!

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